Thursday, July 8, 2010


As a follow up to one of my earlier articles, the simple, but effective, home workout, I was asked to create a dumbbell version. To start off, the program that I will recommend here is primarily for those who are beginner weight trainers, meaning those that have been training consistently for less than one year, those that have been lifting weights for quite a while now, but are usually on and off and were never really consistent in their past routines, or those that are absolute beginners.


There are two sets of workouts that I will recommend, Set A and Set B. You should perform the Set A workouts twice a week, and the Set B workouts once a week. Ideally, the schedule would Set A performed every Mondays and Fridays, and Set B every Wednesdays. If you can’t do the workouts with exactly that schedule, then feel free to adjust it to your needs, with hopefully the same spacing in between workout days. As much as possible, don’t try to do the workout for three days straight during a single week, as your body won’t be able to rest properly. You’ll tire and stress yourself out more than you’ll be making yourself fit.


Again, this program was created with dumbbells in mind. It would be great if you have several weights to choose from, so that you can adjust the weights per exercise. If you want a hassle free dumbbell set and have some cash to burn, then I highly recommend the Powerblock classic adjustable dumbbell set, which can give you individual weights ranging from 5 to 45 pounds:

Some of these exercises will also require a bench. A flat bench would be nice, like this one from Apex: If you don’t have an exercise bench, then you can use another piece of furniture that you can lie down comfortably on with your arms hanging out to the sides. For more experienced lifters, you can also use a swiss ball. This will increase the difficulty of the relevant exercises by making the movements more unstable. It will also develop your core muscles more (rectus abdominis, external obliques, lower back muscles), since they need to work more to stabilize your torso.


All the exercises I recommend here should be performed for 15 repetitions, therefore, you should be able to lift the weights for a specific exercise for 15 repetitions before feeling too tired to continue. Choose just the right weight; don’t choose a weight that you can’t lift for 15 repetitions straight, and don’t choose a weight that you can lift for more than 15 repetitions and not break a sweat.


The workout has a warm up, stretching, and two sets of the primary exercises. After performing the warm up, go straight to lifting the weights and perform each exercise in the recommended order without resting in between. After completing all the exercises, rest for 1 – 3 minutes then go through all the exercises again the same way for another full set. Then go immediately to the stretching and you’re done! All of this shouldn’t take you more than 30 minutes to complete. 


The workout is also designed for two straight months; in other words, it will be very effective for the individual for that time frame, especially if he or she increases the weight load every one or two weeks, but will become less efficient afterward. I recommend switching it up by performing another weight training perform after the two months are up, in order for your body to keep adapting to newer forms of stress and therefore reap the benefits of the exercises more.


This is basically the same warm up I recommended for the simple, but effective home workout. It’s sufficient in that it gets all the major joints in your body moving, preparing them for the weights. If you have a better warm up plan that you prefer, then feel free to use it. Also leave a comment at the end of this article, as I’d love to hear about it!

THE SET A EXERCISES (to be performed every Mondays and Fridays):

Do the exercises in this exact order and just as the videos below prescribe them. Do them with proper form all the time. If you feel that you can’t maintain good form during your routine, then reduce the weight you’re carrying. Form should always be your top priority to ensure the full effectiveness of the exercises and to reduce the risk of injury.

Flat Bench Press

Wall Squats

Perform the exercise as in the video but grip the dumbbells and hold them hanging down either side.

Kneeling Bent Over Rows

Stiff Leg Deadlift


Military Press



Lying Triceps Extension

Biceps Concentration Curls 

THE SET B EXERCISES (To be performed every Wednesdays):

Again, do the exercises in this exact order and just as the videos below prescribe them. Do them with proper form all the time. If you feel that you can’t maintain good form during your routine, then reduce the weight you’re carrying. Form should always be your top priority to ensure the full effectiveness of the exercises and to reduce the risk of injury.

Flat Bench Flyes

Alternating Leg Lunges

Always make sure that, like the wall squat from Set A, your forward leg's knee never goes beyond your toes.

Wrist Curls

You can also do these one arm at a time, similar to the concentration curls, if you like.

Twisting Crunches

Calf Raises

You can step on an old, thick book, like an old telephone directory, if you like.

Reverse Wrist Curls

Again, you can do these one arm at a time, if you like.


Again, this is the same stretching routine I recommended for the simple, but effective home workout. You can use a different stretching routine if you prefer something else, but if you do, leave a comment as I’d love to hear about it!


That’s it! This routine should work your entire body consistently for two whole months, and, coupled with a proper diet, should start you on your way towards your dream body! If you have any questions or comments about the program, please post them and I’ll respond to them as soon as I can!


fitnessphp said...

Thanks very much for the comment! And, yes, I agree, dumbbells are some of the most versatile pieces of exercise equipment ever invented.

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